China's muted response to Ma's 'One China, two interpretations'
Remember the new, hardened position on the '92 consensus Ma took when talking to A-bian yesterday. As the Taipei Times reports their meeting:
OK, so yes. This was interesting enough that it became a headline in most Chinese-language dailies here in Taiwan:“The problem lies with China, which has never recognized Taiwan and considers us to be one of its provinces or a special administrative region,” [Chen] said....
Ma said he would not negotiate with China if the latter denied that both sides across the Taiwan Strait can have different interpretations of what “one China” means.
“It’s our turn to run the government. We will continue to take a ‘Taiwan-centric’ approach. We will not change our view of the nation’s status,” he said....
“It is impossible for me to sell out Taiwan. I do not love Taiwan any less than you do,” Ma said.
“We will not give up the sovereignty we have defended for so many years. We will safeguard our sovereignty and I believe we can make it,” he said.
Blue China Times:扁馬會 馬:中共否認一中各表 就不談
Centerist CNA: 陳總統馬英九會晤 交鋒九二共識
Green Liberty Times: 扁馬會面 激辯九二共識
Liberty Times again (critical piece): 硬套九二共識 馬對得起選民嗎?
Blue UDN: 馬英九:對岸若拒一中各表 就不談了
Hong Kong owned Apple Daily: 陳總統 馬總統 舌戰
Even when Ma's 'hardened' position is not mentioned in the headline, it appears in the first paragraph.
What about the CCP mouthpiece People's Daily coverage so far?
Not much ...
Header page for the topic is here: 快讯:阿扁滔滔不绝谈"九二共识" 马英九不断抄录
And the only article that even raises the phrase for 92 consensus?
马英九与陈水扁会谈1小时 3/4时间激辩"九二共识"
And that article follows Beijing's normal practice of putting "One China, two interpretations" in quotations and using it only to quote Ma. So Beijing is probably considering just how to approach Ma's phraseology, and the propaganda department at the People's Daily has so far refrained from commenting on it.
The private Nanfang Daily did better, discussing the details a bit more: 陈水扁恭迎马英九
Forget for a moment the debate on whether China will recognize the 2-interpretations idea. Let's assume they do.
What does China have to lose to agree to this very silly notion of 2 interpretations? Nothing, really. Tell me, pray-tell, what advantage Taiwan has internationally for boasting that "One-China" equals R.O.C. and not P.R.C? It's like saying North-America really means "Canada".
China and the PRC, barring a revolution in the near future, are inseparable. To say that the opposite is true is going to make Taiwan look very silly indeed.
I agree with you that pragmatically, even a "One China, two interpretations" agreement is at best, merely a blatant lie and at worst, a trap that will effectively mean the end of Taiwan's right to decide it's future and a cut-off in international support.
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