Election roundup (03/05)
Okay. Here's the roundup for the day.
- The DPP will allow people interested in running for legislative seats to say what seat they want in 46 districts first. The party will still decide the 27 more difficult districts through it's five-man committee, and must consider TSU strength in places like Danshui or Keelung. Those districts that will be decided by the committee include some in Taoyuan, Nantou, Changhua, and Taichung.
- DPP whip Ker Chien-ming has also announced he will run as an at-large member, not for a particular seat, and Cheng Hung-huei will run for the Hsinchu city council.
- China is reacting negatively to the new "Four yesses and one no" policy put out by A-bian yesterday when he said "Taiwan will say yes to independence," "Taiwan will be correctly named, Taiwan will have a new constitution, Taiwan will develop. There is no left-right political axis in Taiwan, just the question of independence or assimilation."
- Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing has reminded everyone that the "Anti-succession law" is not just for show. The scholars (whichever ones theya re) in Taiwan figure everyone will just understand it is election rhetoric and A-bian can't make good on the promises without KMT support anyway, so they'll be willing to keep the situation contained. A-bian's guys are sticking to the guns, insisting Taiwan and China do not overlap. The KMT is getting ready to shoot themselves over the issue.
- Wang Jin-pyng has not ruled out running independently, and some of this guys hinted it was a possibility today. There are all kinds of rumors about how Wang, Ma and Lien are all interacting, but I'm only interested in seeing what actually happens.
立委初選 林佳龍:四十六個選區先開放登記
(中央社記者郝雪卿台中市四日電)民進黨立委初選程序即將陸續展開,民進黨秘書長林佳龍今天表示,經過黨內討論後,第一階段先開放四十六個選區讓有意參選同志自由登記,其餘二十七個選區因涉及內部策略考量將列為第二階段辦理,而對於桃園、南投、彰化等有同志相持不下的縣市,黨中央已展開協調並已有腹案。柯建銘轉戰不分區 鄭宏輝參選竹市立委
(中央社記者周慧盈北京五日電)陳水扁總統昨天提出「四要一沒有」宣示,中國外交部長李肇星今天在北京回應媒體時指陳總統是「歷史的罪人」,並說中國的「反分裂國家法」不是只擺著看的。四要一沒有 學者:美中應瞭解是選舉語言
(中央社記者顧恆湛台北五日電)總統陳水扁提出要獨立、要新憲等「四要一沒有」主張,是否引發美台關係緊張受到矚目。東吳大學政治系主任羅致政表示,他不認為陳總統是挑戰四不一沒有,美國和中國應該也瞭解陳總統講的是選舉語言,不致於對台美中關係造成影響。總統提四要一沒有 政院:兩岸互不隸屬
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