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May 3, 2007

KMT nominations

Update: There are still districts where both PFP and KMT candidates want to run that have not yet been resolved between the parties, and the KMT noted they may use further negotiations or opinion polls to resolve those districts. Considering what the KMT has already given up though, I don't expect these minor issues to create any major problems.

I've also examined the KMT nominees listed below and found most of them are for districts the DPP had either noone or very few people register in.

The KMT has now approved a total of 32 candidates to run for them. The remaining candidates will be announced in two more phases on 5/23 and 6/13 respectively (all Wednesday). most have been lsited before; a full list of nominees seems hard to come by.

Here's the information in the CNA article:

中常會通過的黨員投票的九個選區包括:台北市四(蔡正元)、台北市六 (李慶安)、台北縣五 (黃志雄)、台北縣八 (張慶忠)、新竹市 (呂學樟)、台中縣四 (徐中雄)、台中市一 (蔡錦隆)、彰化縣三 (鄭汝芬)、南投縣二 (林明溱)。


至於二十三個只有一人登記或協調產生的立委提名人,包括台北市一選區 (丁守中)、台北市五選區 (林郁方)、台北市七選區 (費鴻泰)等人。另外,也通過國民黨秘書長吳敦義代表國民黨參選南投縣第一選區

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