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May 22, 2008

Econ Min. Chen Tian-jy (陳添枝): 6% growth impossible this year

This comes as no surprise, as Ma's camp has already backed off of this, his central election promise and policy. It was always a pretty impossible goal, especially considering the global economic consideration. But it just goes to show how very much like 1984 the world is -in terms of cognitive dissonance. If Chen's in charge, less than 6% economic growth is his fault; if Ma is, it's the global economy.

I try not to take economic promises from politicians seriously, but the people who do sure manage to practice a lot of mental gymnastics.


Tim Maddog said...

He also said that "reaching even a 4.8% economic growth rate will be difficult":
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That follows a 5.7% rate under Chen Shui-bian.

And remember that just a week or so after Ma Ying-jeou was elected, it was reported that Ma himself said that it would reach 6% "this year"!


Tim Maddog

Tim Maddog said...

UPDATE: Did you see the craziness a couple of days ago where neither the Premier nor Minister of Economic Affairs Yiin Chii-ming (尹啟銘) could state the GDP for the first quarter of this year? It turns out that it was 6.06%. The Reuters article behind that link fails to clearly inform readers that it occurred under the Chen Shui-bian government.

BTW, the correct title for the guy in your headline seems to be "Council of Economic Planning and Development (CEPD) Chairman."

Tim Maddog