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Apr 7, 2007

Wu Poh-hsiung (吳伯雄) wins KMT chair election

Wu won by a huge margin in the KMT election. Reports say turnout in most places was in the 40, 50 or 60 percent range of the 320,000 eligible KMT member voters. The final result was 86.8% to 13.2% for Hong Hsiu-chu (洪秀柱).

attack dog accidentally taking out the Sorry to disappoint all of you who were looking forward to Hong'sKMT's aging Central Standing Committee after hearing someone say "A-bian."

By the way, here are some links to info on that Committe. It's interesting to see how old these guys are and where they're from. But note there's not that many old guys born on the mainland left on the Committee, either.

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