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Jul 8, 2008


Posts have been scarce these last few weeks because (1) work is busy, which is good! and (2) not a lot has been happening of interest in the areas I normally blog about. However, there are a few nuggets out there today worthy of attention:

The DPP is questioning the total lack of transparency between the KMT-CCP communications apparatus which will inevitably guide the policy decisions publicly announced by each side. Considering the Liberty Times recently suggested Ma may revive the National Unification Council, the DPP has been especially suspicious. They held a meeting yesterday to discuss this issue and mentioned in the press conference,


Although the Presidential Office has denied doing anything to reactivate the National Unification Council, the Presidential Office's actual attitude toward the Council is still not clear, and in fact there are now even more questions.
If any one wants to make a bet, I will bet my bottom dollar that Ma will revive the National Unification Council, because China will make it a demand for getting some perk ... long before we get to the peace agreement stage of negotiations.

Also, the former first lady has broken her leg but is getting treatment at Taida Hospital, so she should recover.

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