(中央社記者黃名璽台北六日電)總統馬英九與海 峽兩岸關係協會會長陳雲林會面,短短十分鐘,出人意料。消息人士今天說,雙方事前就對會面的方式達成共識,昨天定案,確定不採會談的「馬陳會」,也與總統 一般接見外賓的方式不同,由總統蒞臨致詞慰勉,以「互不否認」的前提,為兩會協商畫下句點。
TAIPEI, Nov. 6 -- The meeting between President Ma Ying-jeou and ARATS chief Chen Yunlin lasted only a short ten minutes, surprising observers. According to our source, both sides consented to this format of the meeting yesterday evening, agreeing not hold a discussion, and also agreed to a meeting format that differs from when the president meets most foreign dignitaries. President Ma made his mention of "mutual non-denial" a precondition for this concluding meeting.
A good opening paragraph that lays out what you will learn below.
總統上午在台北賓館西廂,接見海峽交流基金會與 海協會代表。據了解,總統將接見時間提前,主要是因為昨天晚間晶華酒店發生陳雲林被圍困事件,發現民主進步黨領導人無法控制群眾,憂慮今天遊行可能引發更 嚴重衝突,才緊急在凌晨一點左右拍板,透過海基會取得海協會同意,更改時間到上午十一時。
In the West Room at the Taipei Guest house this morning, the President met with the ARATS representative. According to our understanding, the main reason the President called for the meeting time to be moved up because after Chen Yunlin got trapped by protesters in the Changhua Hotel last night, the President discovered that the DPP would not be able to control the protesters and began to worry that today's demonstration would result in violence. Therefore, at about 1:00am last night, the SEF got ARATS agreement to change the meeting time to 11:00am this morning.
Sounds like this "leak" also involves a great deal of spin. But still, reasonably enough explanation.
Our source confirms that the meeting length of ten minutes was negotiated over two sessions and agreement was reached late on the night of the 5th. The source says the 10 minute meeting format was chosen over other plans "not to allow everyone to leave in a haste, but to allow for a perfect ending."
I would think the haste + good looking ending would be a "two birds with one stone" situation.
A person involved in the meeting observes that Chen Yunlin's side hoped that President Ma would not raise the points of "Taiwan's security" and "mutual non-denial," but the President made mention of these along with Taiwan's international space and the "16 character formula" [analyzed here] in any case. Chen Yunlin's side tacitly agreed, and all of this was also negotiated before the meeting. The final results of the meeting demonstrate that "Face reality, mutual non-denial" already exists [or is agreed on by both sides].
Quite interesting. But I will believe China has accepted "mutual non-denial" when they actually use the phrase. Right now, they are really just "not openly denying mutual non-denial directly to your face."
The source said the negotiations over the details of the meeting took a great deal of negotiation and the final consensus was only reached late last night.
According to the source, President Ma was extremely firm on wanting to express his capacity of President, and originally planned on a 1 hour discussion with Chen. Ma had been saying for some time he would be meeting Chen in the capacity as President, and insisted on the principles of equality and dignity, especially considering Ma was in his own country. If the ARATS side did not agree to Ma's requirements on title, then Ma preferred to not meet.
I smell spin here again, but it seems plausible.
The President even believed that in order to protect the dignity of the country, he could cancel the meeting; but if it would be possible to put a final period on the ARATS chief's visit, it would be better for cross strait relations. On the other hand, Chen Yunlin could not accept the use of an official title, and it was also impossible to force Chen to say "President," so this issue initially threatened to shatter the chance of a meeting.
Again, spintastic, but also seems to be true.
In the end, both sides agreed that the ceremonial meeting between President Ma and Chen Yunlin was a historic occasion, and wanted to emphasize the symbolic importance over the practical importance of the meeting. In addition, President Ma was not so interested in talking with Chen Yunlin, but rather wanted to speak with Chairman Hu Jintao. In addition, Chen Yunlin had no permission to discuss any political issues, and as a result it was decided to downplay political discussion in the meeting with Chen.
Fair enough. Makes a lot of sense.
Although Chen Yunlin's side did not address Ma as President, our source indicates that at least they could demonstrate "mutual non-denial." Therefore, President Ma had the announcer loudly proclaim "The President is gracing us with his presence" upon entering the room in order to demonstrate his capacity of president. Chen Yunlin's side "listened but did not hear" [that is, made no protest or acknowledgment], and our side read this as "mutual non-denial."
Again, I don't think China is agreeing to "mutual non-denial," just "not openly denying mutual non-denial directly to your face."
The source said that when the President meets with foreign dignitaries, besides the president making a speech, normally the visiting dignitary will also speak. But at the afternoon meeting with Chen, there was only the President's speech and an exchange of gifts. Therefore this was not like your average meeting, and Chen Yunlin's party was quite clear of their role and accepted this this arrangement.
So this was Ma leaving wiggle room for Chen to say he was not treated as a foreign dignitary. But of course since Ma does not believe Chinese officials are foreign, he really didn't have to give anything.
Also, question: if Ma was so insistent on being President for all this, which he seems to have been,