Recently I've been checking out a book called An Investigation of Security in the Taiwan Strait (台海安全考察) by scholar Li Peng (李鵬), who was at Xiamen University's Taiwan Research Institute. The 2005 work would be seemingly outdated, except it is apparently spot on in a couple of key observations.
I would call your attention to two paragraphs near the end of this book, where options for resolving the cross-strait 'problem' are outlined. One of the two outlined solution gains the author's grudging acceptance as a potentially workable plan.
In January 1998, [American scholar] Kenneth Lieberthal (李侃如) suggested that the two sides of the strait sign an interim agreement that would remain unaltered for 50 years, creating a comprehensive political framework that would normalize development in cross strait relations under the One China principle and guarantee 50 years of peaceful stability in the Taiwan Strait. Under this framework, Taiwan would not seek de jure independence and would acknowledge it is part of China; the mainland would promise not to use force against Taiwan; before unification, both sides would be responsible for both their own internal affairs and foreign policies, subject to limitations set forth in the agreement; and both sides would use different terminology to reduce tensions. The PRC could call itself China, the "ROC" could call itself "Taiwan, China," and both sides could try using the term "Greater China" or other similar language.
I will note that the outline above closely mirrors the direction we seem to be going in now. Ma has announced a détente in foreign affairs, which has for the most part been reciprocated by China. Taiwan has agreed it is part of one China, and Ma's core policy for cross-strait relations is "no unification, no independence, no use of force." Hu Jintao is referring to the upcoming peace agreement as a way to settle the political relations "in this special period before unification." Ma has used terms like "let the next generation decide" and even raised the 50 year time table before, though he is not overly attached to that time frame. All this has been covered extensively on this blog even in just the last couple of weeks. So it seems that it is a plan like this which has become the consensus for how to proceed.
On to what I think is the key part of the other interesting paragraph.
In the 2004 version of his plan [which also suggests China clearly define what constitutes independence and suggests international recognition as the standard], Lieberthal emphasizes that both sides of the strait can use their own language. He says "China can continue to uphold the One China principle, but must renounce the use of force; Taiwan can also continue to emphasize the reality of the sovereign independence of the ROC,Well, this is also certainly true. China still maintains there is no ROC, but at this point they don't really care if Taiwan talks about the ROC as long as they agree to the One China principle at the same time.but give up seeking de jure independence." To some degree this sort of silent acknowledgment of "actual independence" would be very difficult for the Chinese mainland to accept. Secondly, setting international recognition as the standard for what constitutes "independence" would be difficult for either side of the strait to accept. If the Taiwan authorities openly declare independence, but the international community fails to recognize it, the most we could say is that their declaration had been void; we could not lie to ourselves and others by claiming that Taiwan was not implementing an actual splittist policy of Taiwanese independence. If the Chinese government sat by and did nothing, it would be an excuse for Taiwanese authorities to bellow on about "actual independence" or silent mainland recognition of "Taiwan independence...."
So, while there's no startling revelations here, it really does bolster the idea that all of these moves have been part of a coordinated plan to come to an interim agreement, which will be labeled a peace agreement, and which China will really, really want [read: insist] to include a phrase like "during this period before unification."
Now for the question I struggle with and which will inevitably become the debate when the peace agreement is presented: is such an agreement really so bad? Is 50 years of peace and self-administration worth a trade off of just saying we're part of China? Will it really mean the end of Taiwanese independence potential?
I suppose there are two points worth mentioning before trying to come to a conclusion. The first is that the Taiwanese public is about equally averse to drawing Chinese ire with a formal independence declaration as they are to subjecting themselves to Chinese administration; but on everything in the middle, there's probably room to shift public opinion from the current "We're already independent" to "we're a special region of China that rules ourselves." At the same time, we must remember how such an agreement would change the defense, international and domestic education formula.
Second is that, as Rank reminded me in a chat with me the other day, the Taiwanese public will be perfectly willing to elect the KMT to extract maximum concessions from the CCP, and then willingly turn on a dime to elect the opposition if they felt their freedoms or security were in danger.
So is such an agreement worth the price? I doubt it, and I can't see the CCP ultimately accepting anything short of one country, two systems. But this sort of plan just might sell. And even if it does, that doesn't mean the fat lady has sung.
I don't doubt that the KMT would go for such an agreement. They could probably sweet-talk many locals into it too. But the first idea has a 0 percent chance of passing in a referendum. Too many people are opposed to one country, two systems. This means the KMT will have to find a way to conduct all negotiations secretly and stealthily amend local laws to support such an agreement.
They could do it, I am sure, if they really wanted to force the matter. But this would involve publically stepping off of the tightrope they are walking.
...the Taiwanese public will be perfectly willing to elect the KMT to extract maximum concessions from the CCP, and then willingly turn on a dime to elect the opposition if they felt their freedoms or security were in danger.
Taiwanese freedoms and security ARE ALREADY in danger and there still is much apathy. As much as it pains me to say it, I think the KMT can and will hoodwink the Taiwanese into falling into a trap that will destroy independence by a thousand cuts. This economic agreement will be a huge step in that direction. There will not be a referendum -- at least one that actually means anything. And wasting efforts on the referendum strategy is misguided, IMO. Time is too short for this.
I also believe that any talk of a 50 year plan is B.S. The CCP and KMT have worked too hard to get to this point and risk having it fall apart within this span of time.
China's annexation of Taiwan will be much much sooner than anyone thinks. It may be less explicit -- but it WILL occur within the next decade or so. First things first, however. The KMT have got to modify the socio-economic / political infrastructure so that this can occur with the least amount of resistance.
Sorry, I have little faith in the Taiwanese electorate now. And soon, the electorate won't even matter.
I apologize for being so pessimistic, but it's time people start waking up in Taiwan and stop pretending that it's "politics as usual".
I'm completely in the camp of stop Ma. The Taiwanese public is easily fooled into believing the tricks of the KMT. The fact that the majority of Taiwanese seem to not even wince at the thought of having party-to-party talks (KMT/CCP), instead of having China to Taiwan talks shows how numb Taiwanese are to what real democracy should be.
I agree that the unification of Taiwan and China is pretty much inevitable at this rate, and will happen within the next 8 years. The only way for this to be stopped is to have the people in Taiwan wake up. This is the ONLY way. And, it CANNOT be done without the support and fervor of the younger Taiwanese generation, those from the teens to the 20s and 30s.
The problem with our generation (I'm in my young 20s), is that we're too caught up in having fun and shrugging off Taiwan politics as petty and irrelevant. For example, because Taiwan's LY is known for petty quarrels and doing stuff like throwing punches and locking people out of the room, they think it's just child play. I do my best to tell them that it's not, that real stuff is happening, right now. But, for some reason they just can't see through it.
Maybe we don't need to apologize for being so pessimistic. Because right now, the chances of Taiwan uniting with China is far more likely than even maintaining the de facto independence we've had. Perhaps we need to take a "tougher" approach and just say it like we see it- maybe that will wake some people up.
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