One thing that's got to work in Tsai's favor...
She doesn't retreat, she pushes back. That's gotta help.
With your unpaid host, A-gu (阿牛)
Written by 阿牛 on 8/26/2011 4 Comments
Written by 阿牛 on 8/24/2011 9 Comments
陳水扁總統廿七日提到新政府願意接受兩岸兩會對「一個中國、各自表述」的會談共識,這是對九二年共識「更明確、更進一步的說法」,但所謂「一個中國、各自表述」,只是我方描述會談過程的用語,這是新政府可以接受的描述方式,並不代 表 我 方 已 接 受 北 京 的 「 一 個 中 國 原 則」。
一九九二年十月,兩岸所派代表在香港舉行會談時,雙方曾針對如何解決「一個中國」問題進行具體討論,但無法獲致任何結論,因此我方建議以「口頭上各自表述」的方式,暫時擱置此一爭議,中共稍後也致電我方,表示「尊重並接受我方的建議」。這就是對於「一個中國」問題的爭議,兩岸願意以口頭「各自表述」來處理,各說各話最終成為兩岸共識的實際過程。所謂的「一個中國、各自表述」就是我方描述此一過程的用 語 。And I think the first paragraph is a more complete and compressed version of the whole piece, which appears to be an editorial of Tsai Ing-wen's own writing in the paper.
恢復兩會接觸對話的關鍵,是台灣方面明確承諾不搞「兩國論」、承諾兩會一九九二年達成的各自以口頭方式表述「海峽兩岸均堅持一個中國」的共識,這樣兩會的事情就好辦,接觸對話就可馬上開啟The key to resuming dialogue was that the Taiwan side must clearly promise to not meddle with "two countries theory," must recognize the 1992 consensus reached by both sides that "both sides of the strait strongly uphold the One China," and that as soon as these actions were taken, then resumption of dialogue could start immediately.
馬英九說:「目前大陸和台灣都在否定九二共識,大陸只承認一個中國,台灣只承認各自表述,但此刻大家唯有回到一中的原點,才可能讓中斷了的談判恢復起來。」Ma Ying-jeou said that at the present time, Taiwan and China are both denying the '92 consensus. The mainland only recognizes "One China," and Taiwan only recognizes the "two interpretations." But at this moment, if everyone would just go back to the "One China" starting point, then talks should be able to resume.
Written by 阿牛 on 8/18/2011 5 Comments
So the DPP plan is apparently to first remain clear about red lines (i.e. rejection of an explicit 'One China' framework). Next, express willingness to maintain all the agreements signed so far, and finally throw vague pleasantries out there in the hopes that someone will take the bait if Tsai is the winner come 2012.
I would say the CCP-KMT effort to force the DPP into a very precise policy formulation is pretty smart politics, and likely to work. I expect the DPP will be forced to forge an internal consensus on exactly what language they're willing to embrace for the sake of talks, and on exactly what they cannot accept. And I don't see how the additional clarity will actually benefit the Green camp.
Unfortunately, since Beijing has their own veto on what formulation will work, and a precisely articulated DPP policy is unlikely to allay fears of Taiwanese Independence forces in Beijing, it'll be up to the relatively dovish faction in China to find a way to continue relations in the event of a DPP victory.
Responding to media questions about the DPP cross strait policy being too abstract, Tsai said that because cross-strait economic policy deals with a number of specialized topics, explaining the policy is best done by explaining a general direction for how things will be dealt with; perhaps some people feel that this is not dealing with the issues in enough detail, but at this point outlining a general direction is still the most suitable way to explain the policy.
Tsai Ing-wen said that many issues could only be dealt with after the DPP was administrating, that many issues need will be explained in different stages and in different settings. She also emphasized that in regards to cross-strait policy, the DPP has a general consensus.
Since Taiwan's democratization, public opinion rejects unification with China, but seeks peaceful coexistence with China. This situation is an objective fact that China and the international community need to accept.
Written by 阿牛 on 8/11/2011 7 Comments
Written by 阿牛 on 8/02/2011 1 Comments